Best Tips for Writing E-commerce Product Descriptions that Sell 2021

January 4, 2021

Best Tips for Writing E-commerce Product Descriptions that Sell 2021

E-commerce Product Descriptions

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A good description of the online store products is the description that simply and briefly explains what these products offer, what distinguishes them, and why people should buy them.

  • How would you describe a product for a new customer?
  • What information should be placed on the store page?
  • How do you convince customers to click “add to cart”?

Have you ever wondered?

  • Why isn’t your online store making strong sales?
  • Why do you always feel that there is a missing link between you and your customers?
  • What makes your competitors one step ahead of you?

We will answer these questions with some necessary tips for writing your product description in a way that maximizes the chances of selling them.

But before that, there are 6 simple rules for writing better product descriptions:

First, think about the questions that the client might ask:

When someone makes a purchase from your online store, you ask them to make a decision that requires a lot of boldness and a lot of trust.

Customers here cannot see and preview the product, nor can they hold it in their hands or try it.

Here comes the “product description” role, to be a factor in making the purchase decision.

And if you’re not sure what to write in it, focus on questions that customers might ask, such as:

  • How big is the product (or available sizes)?
  • What are its features?
  • What are the available colors?
  • Where it was made?
  • Why does it cost so much?
  • Is there a delivery service?
  • Is there a warranty for exchange or return? And others.

By answering the expected questions that concern customers in general, the customer feels that you understand his problems and that you are there to help him solve them.

As a marketing expert, Neil Patel says: “If you read a product description and still have questions, it means that the description didn’t do its job.”

Second: Always include a lot of product details:

When you write for the web, it is very common to hear phrases like:

“Don’t use a lot of text” or “People don’t read a lot on websites.”

And it is true!

However, it is still important to include all the necessary details and all the basic specifications of the products offered for sale in case you are the owner of an online store.

This way the customers will feel like they know what they are getting.

In turn, you will reduce (or possibly prevent) returns and refunds from customers who have mistakenly ordered something because they think it is something else or has other advantages.

Therefore, the specifications page included all the details related to size, weight, color, price, ingredients, place of manufacture, etc., to eliminate customers’ suspicions that you are trying to deceive them and mislead them to buy products that do not suit them.

Also, listing the specifications in clear detail indicates that you know your products well and pay attention to the smallest details, which will enhance customer confidence in you and your online store.

Third: Tell the story of your product to make your store distinct from large companies and unique:

Products offered on your online store may also be available at online retailers, at a lower price.

Fortunately, for small businesses everywhere, consumers are driven by more than the competitive price and convenience.

Therefore, we advise you to:

  1. Motivate your customer to buy by asking: “Can you find your order from your local market, so that it is more ideal than you expect and less expensive?”
  2. Use the rarity “This product is only available in our store”.
  3. Tell the manufacturing story of your product, take care of the attractive description, and mention how this product arrived at your store. The story makes the customer feel as if he is buying something special that he cannot get from any other traditional or online store.

Fourth: write a clear and easy to read description:

You should format the product description text (especially when writing for the web).

And you must take into account the different ways people read.

The best thing you can do is write a short descriptive paragraph, then follow it up with some bullets. That way, you will satisfy people who want to see information, and people who want to dive into more detailed descriptions.

Headings, bullets, short paragraphs, and illustrations are all ways to make online shopping easier for customers.

Someone may advise you to use strong words or superlatives, which is acceptable and may be good, but the best thing is to stick to the natural language that a person uses.

You can also provide some short testimonials from happy customers in a friendly, simple, and stimulating way to buy.

Fifth: Add customer testimonials and social evidence to your product pages:

All in common, the product description forms use some form of “social proof” for sale.

This is in the form of customer reviews, testimonials, or links to newspaper articles and blog posts.

Customers are interested in knowing the opinions of strangers who have preceded them by trying a product because social evidence is a strong psychological motivator before making the decision to buy.

According to a recent survey by BrightLocal, it was found that new customers, on average, read 10 reviews of former customers before they feel they can trust a small business when they first purchase their products.

Sixth: Improving product descriptions in line with search engines:

It’s not just customers who read your text; search engines do, too.

Therefore, the text is one of the best ways to boost your SEO in your online store and make your products appear in the first choices and pages of Google’s search engine.

To improve search engines, we recommend the following:

  • Give your products very clear and relevant keyword names.
  • Say clearly and directly what the product or service you offer, without tampering with words.
  • Make sure to add some keywords that appear naturally in your text.
  • Do not attempt to pretend or pretend to be ideal. Describe your element honestly, accurately, objectively, and in an interactive manner (for example, interrogative).
  • Do not copy the manufacturer’s description or text from another website and paste it on your site, as this makes these websites ranked higher than you when searching for the same products.

Remember to fill in the alt text of your photos, and create a store hierarchy that makes it easier and clearer to navigate.

And here we have mentioned some rules that will help you write better product descriptions.

We will now move to some tips to make your product descriptions amazing and attractive, and through them, you will achieve greater chances of increasing sales and making profits.

Tips for writing amazing online store product descriptions

First: Identify your target customers:

Before you start writing a description, you need to define who your target customers are.

A buyer persona is a short version of your ideal customer, and knowing it helps you show the information you need to include in the description of your products.

Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some information about your clients, such as:

  • Age group.
  • Gender.
  • Demographic composition and social conditions.
  • Interests.
  • Location.
  • Level of education and cultural backgrounds.
  • Income level and others.

All of these are potential factors that will affect the way you write your product description because what you write for business people is different from what you write for housewives.

So remember to only use one buyer persona for each product description, otherwise, you will miss the potential opportunity to make an additional purchase.

Second: Define your goals and key performance indicators:

Ask yourself:

  • What are your goals? How will you measure it?
  • What are your KPIs (Key performance indicators)?

The descriptions of your products will become more clear and effective if you define your goals and can follow them up, measure them periodically, and work to improve them in line with customer satisfaction and encourage them to buy.

  • Are you trying to increase your sales?
  • Do you want to reduce the number of cart abandonment?
  • Do you want to improve your ranking and your site in search engine optimization (SEO)?

Even if you’re just trying to clarify your product descriptions so that you have fewer calls from shoppers who have questions, this is possible.

So always try new things, don’t be afraid to make changes, and run some tests with different lengths, shapes, and words to see what works best for your clients.

Third: Focusing on the solution:

Your product description should reflect (in some way) the fact that your product offers the solution a customer needs more than the product itself and more than any other product.

Customers always ask, “What will I benefit from this product?”

Therefore, focus on writing your product descriptions on clarifying the solutions that your brand can provide.

Don’t make the solutions always simple, although sometimes they are.

You can describe your product as:

  • It helps people achieve their dreams.
  • Supports clients on their way to achieving their goals.
  • It helps avoid pain and ensures comfort.
  • Increases the chances of success with the opposite sex.

Fourth: write in your brand voice:

  • What is your brand personality?
  • Are you interested in entertainment and amusement?
  • Serious and addressing businessmen and professionals?
  • Do you aim to raise inconvenience and questions?

Get your brand’s personality brand before you start writing

as you must write your product descriptions in a voice that suits the nature of this personality.

Your description must be appropriate for your site and for all the writings it contains, especially in your product descriptions. Why?

Because defining that personality and the phonetic suggestion you write in is what convinces people that they really want your product.

Your brand’s personality will determine the tone of your writing, the vocabulary you will use, and the way you should address your visitors.


A very high-end company like Versace might choose to sound formally and professionally, using words such as “exceptional” or “one-of-kind” to emphasize its quality.

This tone works for them because it matches their product and audience.

But if a company that markets youth skateboards and skiwear adopts the same personality and tone, it will be ineffective (and perhaps even unreliable).

Fifth: Talk about user experience:

A great way to convince people to buy is to simply tell them about the experiences of customers who have used the product, and encourage them to imagine themselves using it.

This is another breakthrough in the mind that customers feel more attached to the product, that they actually own and use it.

Therefore, you should take good care of your descriptive style while writing about how customers feel when they use your products, and use words such as “Imagine” or “Imagine yourself”.

You can also talk about some of your customers’ needs, and then get them to think about a product that meets those needs.

Customers’ minds can also be hacked using present and future tenses, making the reader feel that he has already purchased the product and started using it.

Or, you can use sensual language that integrates the five senses in writing and creates a sense of direct experience.

Sixth: Be specific:

Clichés are associated with generic product descriptions, and their use is often not.

For example, if you were to write “product quality is excellent”, you can (instead of being okay with just that) allocate additional space for more specificity and accuracy, and talk about all the things that make “excellent product quality”.

For example, you can talk in detail about the materials used in its manufacture, the process by which the product was produced, the high degree of skill that the manufacturers possess, or talk about anything new that people might be interested in knowing and actually arousing their curiosity without considering it a “cliché” mentioned in all places.

Much of this will dip your customers’ personality customers, and your knowledge of them will help you as well, so come back to them when you decide to describe your product.

If you know what they like, you can highlight it in your description.

Seventh: Tell the story of the beginning:

People are curious about their instincts and human nature and are often interested in knowing stories of beginnings (whether stories of the beginnings of influential people or stories of the origin of things).

Here, too, communicating with and knowing the audience well will help in writing what really interests them.

For example, the audience may be interested in knowing your motivations (what motivated you and your brand to create the product you write about?).

If your motives are important to you, you will be able to write skillfully about them, and they will be important to your audience as well.

Here you have another opportunity to connect with your audience and remove some barriers between you with some good storytelling.

They don’t really know you, but they visit your store or site, communicate with you, and read what you write for them with real care and attention, they will kind of feel that a link binds them to you, and this is good for conversions.

You can also tell stories about customers who use your product and reviews how they use it.

Here, too, remember to use these powerful words.

Eighth: You can use the resources to learn writing on the Internet:

Many people have a hard time writing, but that is not a cause for concern anymore, many sites offer expert help.

Here are some powerful writing resources that will help you write product descriptions for your online store and e-commerce:

State of Writing and Writing Populist :

Here you’ll find grammar sources you can use to check your product descriptions for grammatical errors.

If you want your writing to be professional, this means that grammatical errors are not allowed to seep into it.

Essayroo and Paper Fellows :

These are two tools for checking online, and they are suggested by the AustralianReviewer.

You can access it to make sure your writing is polished and free of misspellings.

A spelling mistake or two may reduce the importance of your good description, and it may suggest to some customers that you are an amateur who does not deserve them to waste their time in your store or site.

Boom essays and UKWritings :

These are two tools for checking online, and they are suggested by the AustralianReviewer.

You can access it to make sure your writing is polished and free of misspellings.

A spelling mistake or two may reduce the importance of your good description, and it may suggest to some customers that you are an amateur who does not deserve them to waste their time in your store or site.

MyWritingWay and Studydemic :

They are writing guides, where you can check or get good suggestions and additional instructions on how to write a better product description.

Ninth: Use SEO:

We’ve talked a lot about the need to use descriptive words strategically to convince the reader of them.

You also need to be strategic in your SEO keyword selection.

Using certain search words in the descriptions text can improve SEO, especially when they are included in the product title, page title, meta descriptions, subheadings, and ALT tags.

Tenth: Take care of the visuals:

There is a lot you can do and improve with your text to make it work.

But having some good product images, to match your textual description, is just as important as the text.

In any case; you do not want the written descriptions to be too long, and you know the impact of the image on people’s visual memory, and you know how it influences the purchase decision.

Therefore, we recommend that you keep your product descriptions short and attach them to attractive images (appropriate visuals).

Visuals can be very helpful in showing the features of a product and how it is used.

The visual can also be very effective in demonstrating what this product

can do without you having to use a thousand words to explain and elaborate.

You can also create some short videos displaying your product and its features.

And it never hurts to take a small A / B test to see how visuals have shaped customer impressions of products and inquire about their display preferences and descriptions.


The product description has become one of the most important success factors in the field of e-commerce and online selling through online stores and websites all over the world.

It plays a prominent and effective role indisputably in influencing the shopper and convincing him of the preference of a certain product over other competing products.

Also undoubtedly leads to an increase in the volume of sales within the online store, raising conversion rates, and maximizing the volume of e-commerce.

You may have high-quality products with attractive designs, and better than your competitors’ products, but your description of them is not convincing enough for the customer to take the last step in the purchase, and he needs to reconsider.

Writing good product descriptions can take some time, but it is not a difficult task.

You can take advantage of our rules and advice, or go back to what has been written about “consumer psychology,” as you can do a little research and work on your writing skills until you see your conversions increase.

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