The field of e-commerce has spread widely around the world.
And it has developed in a remarkable way due to the many advantages it provides and the positive results it achieves, the most important of which are:
- Saving effort and time.
- Increase your chances of winning and earning money.
But that does not mean that this work is easy, as it requires serious and strong steps for a person to be able to prove himself through it.
It also requires a comprehensive knowledge of e-commerce and its types and everything that someone needs to plunge into its vast world.
What is e-commerce?
E-commerce is a large open market, which can be visited via the Internet, whether through a mobile phone or a computer.
It displays products and services.
Various commercial operations are carried out in it, such as:
- Sale.
- Purchase.
- Payment.
- Shipping.
- Delivery.
- Money transfer.
All this and others are done easily and conveniently without being restricted by place or time.
As it is available to everyone 24 hours.
The nine types of e-commerce :
1) B2B (Business to Business) from business owner to business owner:
Commercial transactions of this type take place between two commercial establishments, one of which provides services and products to the other organization.
It occupies most of the transactions that fall within the scope of e-commerce.
Its purpose may be one of the following :
- Buying and selling commodities.
- Information flow.
- Implementation of services.
Studies have shown that about 85% of e-commerce transactions are through this type.
Examples are companies that sell office furniture to companies, and companies that provide safe and guarded personnel to other companies.
2) B2C (Business to Customer) from business owner to customer:
It is the classic relationship in e-commerce activity, and through it, the business started its journey on the ground.
In which business owners display their products and services to customers through online stores, instead of presenting them in traditional markets or shops.
The facility may also have a physical presence on the ground, such as the Amazon website.
3) C2B (Customer to Business):
This type of e-commerce was not popular among business owners, but it became a step towards spread and success, especially after the success of the concept of e-commerce over the Internet.
It goes against normal, in which the consumer displays the company’s products and services.
One of the most famous examples is celebrities agreeing with a company or commercial establishment to display and market their products and services to their followers.
4) C2C (Customer 2 Customer):
With the spread of the culture of e-commerce and online selling.
And with a large segment of consumers interested in this culture.
A new opportunity appeared for consumers to earn money by selling to other consumers for a commission they set alone without interference from any other party.
This type of e-commerce is spread among users due to the great facilities provided by some sites that comfort them in their dealings, for example, eBay.
5) E-Learning:
This type of e-commerce is based on making use of electronic technology and the Internet in education and training.
Examples include virtual classes, virtual universities, and online educational platforms as well.
6) “Jusoor” system:
One of the initiatives of the National Center for E-learning and remote education.
Applied in a number of Saudi universities.
It is considered an integrated application of e-learning systems.
7) E-Government / G2C (Government to Customer):
It is a business process between the government and customers.
Through it, the government provides necessary information and electronic services that customers can use and benefit from.
In addition, they may pay for it through electronic payment methods.
8) G2B (Government to Business):
This type of e-commerce takes place between government institutions and commercial companies.
Where business owners pay online to government institutions
An example is the tax collection system.
9) B2G (Business to Government):
Business owners interested in this type of e-commerce allocate their services for the benefit of government institutions and not individuals.
An example is the agreement of governments with those involved in establishing electronic platforms to implement websites for ministries or state institutions.
E-commerce supports entrepreneurship :
When entrepreneurs were always looking for new areas to increase their income in the long run and seek to create their own businesses away from the traditional routine.
It was suitable for e-commerce to highlight its features and benefits, which are an important attraction for any entrepreneur to knock on its door, especially since its sales for 2020 approached $ 27 million.
Characteristics of e-commerce :
- Providing the expenses needed to establish traditional companies on the ground.
- Exceeding the limits of time and place to facilitate effective communication with customers.
- Diversity of products and services that can be displayed on the online store in a way that allows comparison with other online markets to choose the appropriate offers.
- Saving time and effort. With one click, the customer can access the service he needs, or buy what he wants using credit cards or through various electronic payment methods.
- Increasing the profits of the company.
- Increase brand awareness.
- Ease of attracting new customers through the opportunities provided by online stores to display products or services on various websites.