How to Run a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

February 22, 2021

How to Run a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Email Marketing

Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Email Marketing is a marketing method in the world of the Internet and modern technology

which allows companies and business owners to communicate with customers and present products to target groups in an easy way without the need for TV or radio ads.

Email marketing is a space in which you can keep a list of sorted addresses and determine their duration

as the company markets its products via e-mail by sending an e-mail to a specific group of customers available in its list and providing them with full details that answer their inquiries.

Definition of email marketing

Email marketing is defined as one of the oldest and most effective forms of e-marketing

it allows its users to obtain customers that belong to the target groups for a company’s website or online store

E-mail marketing depends on communication between the site and its target group.

The mail marketing strategy works on sending messages to potential customers and converting them

into actual customers, then demonstrating the company’s capabilities

to gain customers’ admiration and thus follow the brand permanently.

Email Marketing Advantages

Since 94% of people on the Internet have an e-mail, this expands the space for brands to use the internet-marketing feature to promote their products, and the advantages of email marketing can be summarized in several points:

  1. You can take a personal picture in dealing with the customer: that is, through e-mail marketing, you can direct a message to each customer so that it appears as if it is sent in person, with the possibility of placing the name of the customer or client at the beginning of the message. Email marketing allows the feature of scheduling messages, which means, setting the message to a specific time for sending it to the customer, for example: When a client or a customer subscribes to a mailing list for a brand or company, the new subscriber is automatically sent a welcome message or a thank you message to the new user.
  2. The e-mail marketing feature has a low cost in return for the revenues that can be obtained: that is, you can reap double the benefits just by paying the company providing the service when subscribing for one time.
  3. Email marketing is characterized by the flexibility to adjust the tools that provide you your mailing list: as soon as you subscribe to a trademark or any company, you are asked to enter the company code through your site, and then you can start collecting your mailing list.
  4. It is also characterized by a high ability to accurately measure results: it is easy for you to follow the results easily, to know who opened the e-mail from the recipient group, and to know the subscribers who clicked on the link sent within the messages and their number.

Email Marketing Content

After you have a good and strong mailing list, you can start and send emails, but you must choose interesting content for your e-mail messages, for example, reminders are among the most important messages, as you show the company’s interest in its customers and remind them of its existence and continuity.

You can also offer coupons via e-mail through messages to increase the percentage of sales of your products within the online store or on your website, in addition to considering this method an attractive way for users to subscribe to your e-mail list.

Designs must be chosen carefully, to be fun and funky, and to maintain a high level of wording to make emails more interesting to read.

Email Marketing Improvement

When starting to use the e-mail marketing feature, you as a company or as a brand

must develop a detailed diagram of how you work with e-mails, and choosing the correct time to send messages

is the most important thing to improve your e-mail marketing process

as subscribers often leave the messages contained in the mailbox without Opening them

because it reached them at an inappropriate time, and thus these messages sent by you remain neglected.

Early morning or lunchtime is considered the best period for sending messages

as it allows subscribers to use their mobile devices and see e-mails without work obstacles.

You can also work on developing and improving future emails using messages that you previously sent by using the data in them.

The A / B test is considered the best for improving email marketing content

which boils down to a systematic process of testing all the different and varied elements of your website

to know and understand user behavior and the changes that occur to them.

What do you need to start with email marketing?

Before entering the world of email marketing, you must have a private mailing list

either by establishing it or by purchasing a ready-made one

but in this case, you must take into account the large amount that you will pay for the mailing list

as well as the difficulty in finding mailing lists for sale.

So it is always recommended to create the mailing list by the same person, and here you will need one of two things:

  1. A private website, blog, or online store, and in this case, you can easily put within your site a clearly defined subscription form in your mailing list, with incentives for visitors to subscribe to.
  2. To be active in the field of affiliate marketing, here you have to act as a mediator by creating an intermediate page between the advertiser’s page and the direct source of visitors, such as a page for marketing a product, for example, and in this case, in addition to the incentives to subscribe to your mailing list, you can add the feature of not having access to a page advertiser only after subscribing to your mailing list.

How to market via email

To know the use of email marketing the following steps should be followed:

  • Building the system: To build your email marketing system, you need to go through several steps:
  1. To subscribe to one of the services for collecting and managing mailing lists, to obtain storage, and save the data of mailing list subscribers.
  2. You must choose a type of form to capture user data, such as the forms that pop up over the site’s content or next to the site’s content.
  3. Linking the form to the e-mail marketing service through a special code.
  4. You must set your brand identity by creating a distinctive design for your mailing letters and placing your own logo in specific colors of your choice.
  5. And finally, setting the messaging system, which is divided into two types of e-mail messages:
    • Regular messages: such as activation and welcome messages.
    • Marketing messages: They are sent to promote products.
    • Building a mailing list: This process is called “Opt-in” or “Double Opt-In”.

The difference between the two terms is that the first one ends the registration

in the electronic list as soon as the data is entered

while in the second the email address must be activated

by clicking on a special link to be Activate registration in the mailing list.

  • Sending marketing messages: the system is set automatically, and it can be set on a monthly, weekly, or every 15 days.

The most important criteria for email marketing success

To ensure your success in email marketing, you must have basic criteria that indicate whether you are successful or not:

  • Message opening rate: This shows the number of users who have opened the mail message sent to them.

If the rate of opening messages exceeds 25%, this means that you are following an effective methodology

but if the rate is less than 10%, then you need to improve and develop your program.

  • Frequency of opening messages:

increases in the number of times the messages were opened.

  • Clicks on links in the e-mail:

Clicks indicate how much users are interested in the content of your message.

  • The unsubscribe rate:

It expresses the percentage of subscribers who canceled their subscription to your mailing list.

  • Conversions rate:

The return on investment for email marketing is typical if it is 122%, which comes from the number of people who download your offers.


With the term “e-marketing” continuing to evolve and make updates due to the widespread culture of online shopping recently

email marketing remains one of the most important methods followed despite its old age.

its ease of use and the fact that the largest group of internet users have a special e-mail.

Email marketing is your easiest way to display your brand and build an electronic relationship

with a long list of customers and clients, just by creating a mailing list and sending them messages

with striking content that makes the relationship between the customer and the brand or company the best possible.

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